Monday, May 14, 2012

Membership Meeting this Saturday

Don't forget our Membership Meeting this Saturday at 9:00 a.m. at the Fire Station.

With elections coming up this summer, this will be a most important meeting, so put it on your calendar and plan to attend.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Big Saturday Doin's

The Christopher Creek Homeowners Association is sponsoring TWO big events this Saturday, April 7th.

The first event is a celebration of Earth Day beginning at 11:00 AM, when we gather in front of the Tall Pines Market.  This event, created and supervised by Judy Tolle, is for kids ages ten and older.  We are going to make the Earth a little bit more beautiful by picking up the trash along the Christopher Creek Loop.  We will have the bags necessary to collect the trash.  We are also going to donate ALL cans to the Payson Humane Society to help care for animals.  We welcome and need adults who want to walk along with us to help supervise.  This is a win, win, win event: beautiful earth, happy animals and good exercise!

Our second BIG event of the day is our annual CCHA Easter Egg hunt.  It will begin at 1:00 PM on Columbine Rd., two hundred yards upstream from the Walking Bridge.

This Easter egg hunt is for kids ages 12 and under.  As always, prizes will be awarded to kids in different age groups for their success in finding eggs.  There have been reports of a very large bunny already hanging out on Columbine.  Get ready for the BIG day.

By the way, the weather at the Creek is beautiful!

[Information contributed by Gary Anderson]

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ripples Newsletter has been sent


You should have received the new issue of "Ripples," either in your email inbox or your mail box. We hope you've marked your calendars for these upcoming important days: April 7 for the Easter Egg Hunt, May 19 for the Membership Meeting, and June 16 for the Community Barbecue Get-Together.

Please give thought to running for office and/or volunteering to produce the newsletter. All of those responsibilities are opening up soon. In fact, Marsha Ward has stepped down from the editor slot with the newsletter, so your chance is here now! Contact Judy Tolle or another officer to put your name in the running for the appointment.

You can also leave your name in the Comments.

See you at an event soon!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


by Marsha Ward

Because I am familiar with this blogging host, I've moved our website to Blogspot. This will make it much easier for me to update the site from one accessible spot, instead of having to find the entry place for the other site, remember the incredibly difficult password, and log into the dashboard.

Now all the blogs in my charge are in one place, and I will be more likely to pass along the news from Christopher Creek to you in a timely manner.

Thank you for your kindness to me, and for understanding how thin I've been stretched for the last couple of years, especially when I had emergency major surgery and had to learn to be patient.