Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Meeting Held

If you missed the Fall Meeting held this morning at the fire station, you missed a good one.

Ron Louch and Judy Tolle conducted the business of the Association. Laura Alvin was out-of-state and could not attend.

Highlights of the meeting included a report on the fuel break funds, a call for volunteers to help "Light the Loop" on November 21, an appeal that food donations for the food boxes be canned goods and boxed non-perishable foods (no sodas), and news that there would be no officially coordinated fall cleanup.

Forest debris is accepted at the burn pit every Saturday. Homeowners may also contact Rick Schantz at 928-478-4877 to arrange for the FireWise trailer to come and cart off your refuse. You must load the trailer yourself, so plan to be at your property at the pickup time.

The community "Meet Your Neighbor Day" potluck held this summer was a big success, and will be repeated next year.

Several more members signed up to receive the "Ripples" newsletters electronically. If you wish to be on the list, contact Marsha Ward at 928-478-5086 or by email at

The next issue of "Ripples" will include a complete report of the Fall Meeting.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Meeting & Halloween Party

Don't forget to come to the CCHA Fall Membership Meeting. It will be this Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Fire Station.

The Halloween Party for the children will begin at 4 p.m. at the Fire Station.

See you there!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

"Ripples" has been mailed

A lucky few Christopher Creek Home Owners members have already had the newsletter for several days. They received it by email. Several more have been handed their copy personally. If you haven't received yours yet,  it's in the mail.

Be sure to check the calendar and mark the dates on your personal calendars. The Fall Meeting is October 24 at 9:00 a.m.