Thursday, October 21, 2010

Don't forget to Vote

Remember that you have several ways to vote: Email your vote to Judy Tolle or Marsha Ward (see their email addresses on the ballot), phone it in to Judy Tolle, mail the ballot (probably too late for that), or bring it to the Fall Membership Meeting on Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Fire Station.

See you Saturday!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Meeting, Halloween Party next week

We're looking forward to an exciting Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, October 23, at 9:00 a.m. in the Fire Station meeting room. The officers who will serve for the next two years will be announced. How great would it be if the meeting attendance exceeded that of the Spring Meeting?

The community's children and grandchildren are invited to the Kids' Halloween Costume Party and Hayride on the afternoon of the 23rd. All the fun begins at 4:00 p.m. at the Fire Station. The costume contest, for children under 12 years of age, starts at 4:30 p.m. The Hayride follows, and everyone in Christopher Creek enjoys the Trick-or-Treaters.

There's a new route this year: Tall Pines Market is the jumping-off place. First stop is the ERA office, then down South Christopher to Ashby Apple, where the children will unload at Ellie's C-Canyon RV Park. They will continue on foot to the homes in the area, then cross the bridge to collect treats from those living near the car wash. Back on the wagon once more, the children will travel down Columbine, and end at Creekside for hot chocolate.

If you don't live on this route, you may hand out your treats at the Tall Pines Market. We encourage those who bring their children from other communities to contribute treats. If you can't be here that day, please get your donations to Judy Tolle, and volunteers will hand out the candy.

To donate a bag or two of candy or to volunteer to help out, please contact Judy at 478-0508.

Newsletter in the mail

The October issue of Ripples, the newsletter of CCHA, is in the mail. If you have elected to receive the emailed version, it's in your inbox right now.


Please take a moment and vote for officers for the next two years.

Thank you!